Your personal information is valuable, so, protect it, is the main theme of the campaign launched today by the National Fraud Authority, Telecommunications UK Fraud Forum (TUFF) and Financial Fraud Action UK - the name under which the financial services industry coordinates its fraud prevention activity.

The Devil’s in Your Details campaign aims raise awareness of the importance of protecting personal information and remind the public to check who they share their details with is genuine, whether this be on the phone, in person or online. The campaign encourages consumers to suspect anyone or anything they are uncertain about, to keep asking questions and to challenge or end an engagement if it feels uncomfortable.
Although everyone needs to take care of their personal information, two groups in particular are being targeted within this campaign – 35 to 55 year old women and 18-25 year old men and women.
Both groups use their personal information regularly to conduct their day to day lives whether it’s for online shopping or keeping up with friends on social networking sites. The campaign has two videos and a Facebook app designed to highlight what to look out for and where to go to find advice.
A key message of the campaign is to keep SAFE:
Suspect anything or anyone you don’t know - no matter what or who they claim to be.
Ask questions. Whatever a fraudster tries, you have the power to stay in control.
Find out for certain who you’re dealing with. Challenge anything that seems suspect.
End situations that make you uncomfortable. If you feel threatened, contact the police
Find out more about The Devil’s in Your Details campaign:
See the videosSee the Facebook application
Press releases:
Majority of women feel falling victim to fraud is ‘inevitable’, according to new study
Careless generation are more concerned about their Facebook profile than falling victim to fraud, despite being an ‘at risk’ group