Fraudsters are sending out malware infected emails claiming to be from Companies House in the hope that businesses will download the attachment.

Another scam email has emerged today which impersonates Companies House, an executive agency responsible for the registrar of companies in the UK.
The emails all seem to originate from domains closely resembling Companies House, including:;;; All of these domains have been set up in the last few days by fraudsters.
The spoofed emails cleverly state they are “auto generated” and imply your company is under investigation after a new complaint has been submitted on Companies House’s “WebFiling” service.
Naturally these types of emails can be quite alarming, but if you receive one, do not download the attachment which contains a virus, delete it and report it to us.
Companies House and the City of London Police are aware of these scam emails and are in the process of getting the domain names the fraudsters are using shut down.
To report a fraud and cyber crime and receive a police crime reference number, call us on 0300 123 2040 or use our online fraud reporting tool.