The convincing looking emails entitled “Parking Charge Reminder” claim you have parked on one of UKPC’s client's private land.
The bottom of the email asks victims to click on “payment options and photos” for more information - a link that is likely to contain malware. If you receive one of these emails, delete it, do not download the attachment and report it to us.
The emails contain randomly generated reference numbers and quote a charge of £90. UKPC have received hundreds of calls today from worried recipients and have confirmed that they would never contact people in this way.
** Update Oct 2017 - We are aware that there is a fresh wave of scam UKPC emails being sent by fraudsters this month loaded with malware. Follow our advice to stay safe. **
To report a fraud and cyber crime and receive a police crime reference number, call us on 0300 123 2040 or use our online fraud reporting tool.