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Recruitment agency warns of fraud

A recruitment agency is reminding job candidates that they will never have to pay a fee for registering their CV with the company.


The European Recruitment Agency has been contacted by a number of individuals located abroad, or by their representatives based in the UK, claiming that the agency has indirectly offered them jobs via third parties. Each candidate was asked to pay a fee of £30 to register.

The European Recruitment Agency never charges job seekers to register a CV. Moreover, if the European Recruitment Agency is involved in the job application process the applicant would have received communications directly from the agency.

Protect yourself from recruitment scams

  • Check that the recruitment agency or third party you are dealing with has a website and be suspicious if it doesn’t.
  • Research the details provided on the company’s website – check it has a real, physical address and that the phone numbers are landline numbers and not mobiles or rerouted numbers. Check the company is registered; in the UK, this can be done via Companies House.
  • If you are asked to pay money to register your CV, it is likely to be a scam.
  • If you have lost money to a scam like this, report it to Action Fraud.

Read more about this recruitment scam on the European Recruitment Agency’s website.

Please note: Action Fraud is not responsible for the content on external websites.

To report a fraud, call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or use our online fraud reporting tool.

See also:

Recruitment scams
Work from home scams
Advice in other languages

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