Figures from Financial Fraud Action show that theft from, cash machines, bars, shops and distraction techniques led to a rise in UK card fraud last year.

These scams amounted for a total loss of £388m in 2012, which is a 14% rise on the previous year. This type of fraud includes cards being stolen from people by fraudsters who looked over their shoulder at ATMs to spot their Pin code.
Skimming cards and stealing electronic data was the preferred method for fraudsters before Chip-and-pin was introduced which reduced this type of fraud. Now fraudsters are focussing on distraction thefts and tricking people into handing over their card details or Pin codes
Courier scam
In 2012 over £1.5 million was lost to a “courier scam”. Police warned people about the sophisticated type of fraud where people are telephoned by fraudsters and tricked into revealing their PIN and handing over their bank card to a courier.
Low-tech deception crimes
"Criminals are resorting to low-tech deception crimes designed to dupe customers into parting with their cards, Pins and financial passwords," said Detective Inspector David Timmins, from the Dedicated Cheque and Plastic Crime Unit, a specialist unit funded by the industry.
"These fraudsters can be highly persuasive, so our message to customers is simple: your bank or the police will never call, visit or email you to request your login details or Pin, or to collect your card. If you receive such a request, it will always be fraud, so protect yourself and call the police."
For further information visit the Financial Fraud Action website.
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To report a fraud and receive a police crime reference number, call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or use our online fraud reporting tool.