We have been made aware by the HMCTS Fraud & Investigations Team of a scam email being sent from fraudsters purporting to represent the Worker's Compensation Appeal Tribunal, HMCTS.

The email advises the recipient to “download a scanned document of original Complaint at Tribunal in attachment below”, which is likely to contain a virus.
The scam email is sent from a variety of different spoofed addresses, including: @justice.gov.uk, @courttribunal.service.gov.uk, @tribunals.gov.uk, @courtsni.gov.uk and @courtservice.gov.uk in order to appear legitimate.
The email refers to the Committee Chair, Member Representative of Employers and Member Representative of Workers whose names are all different on each variation of the email.
Example scam email
From: "Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service" <[email protected]>
Worker's Compensation Appeal Tribunal
Decision # 580
Board Direction To Rehear Decision #921
Claim No.: 1310=5150
Date of Original Notice of Appeal: June 2, 2014
Date Received at The Tribunal: June 21, 2014
Date of Board Direction to Rehear: August 5, 2014
Received: August 21, 2014
Date of Documentary Review by Appeal Committee: August 30, 2014
Date of Decision: September 3, 2014
To Whom It May Concern,
Your Corporation (named Respondent)
Appears to be in default because of its failure to comply with the Administrative Law Judge's Preliminary hearing Order without decent cause, and such default by Respondent constitutes an admission of all facts alleged in the Complaint and a waiver of Respondent's right to contest such factual allegations. Respondent violated the section 9(6), paragraph B13(1) of the Jobseekers Act 1995.
We advise you to download a scanned document of original Complaint at Tribunal in attachment below.
Commitee Chair: E. English
Member Representative of Employers: C. Garcia
Member Representative of Workers: W.C. Cash
West London County Court
181 Talgarth Road
W6 8DN
If you receive one of these emails, do not open or download the attachment, delete it and report it to us. If you have opened the attachment then call us on 0300 123 2040.